Chapter 24: Newton-Raphson Method#

Learning Objectives#

By the end of this lecture, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the Newton-Raphson method.

  2. Implement the Newton-Raphson method to find the roots of a function.

  3. Apply the Newton-Raphson method to solve nonlinear equations.

Newton-Raphson Method#

The Newton-Raphson method is an iterative technique for finding the roots of a real-valued function \(f(x)\). The method starts with an initial guess \(x_0\) and iteratively refines the guess using the formula:

\[ x_{n+1} = x_n - \frac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)} \]

where \(f'(x_n)\) is the derivative of the function \(f(x)\) evaluated at \(x_n\). The process is repeated until the difference between successive approximations is less than a specified tolerance.

Geometric Interpretation#

The Newton-Raphson method can be interpreted geometrically as follows. Given a function \(f(x)\), the tangent line to the curve at the point \((x_n, f(x_n))\) is given by:

\[ y = f'(x_n)(x - x_n) + f(x_n) \]

The intersection of this tangent line with the \(x\)-axis gives the next approximation \(x_{n+1}\):

\[ 0 = f'(x_n)(x_{n+1} - x_n) + f(x_n) \]

Solving for \(x_{n+1}\), we get:

\[ x_{n+1} = x_n - \frac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)} \]

This is the same formula as the one derived algebraically.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Define the function f(x) = x^3 - 2x - 5
def f(x):
    return x**3 - 2*x - 5

# Define the derivative f'(x) = 3x^2 - 2
def f_prime(x):
    return 3*x**2 - 2

# Define the tangent line at x = 2
def tangent_line(x):
    return f_prime(2)*(x - 2) + f(2)

# Plot the function f(x) and the tangent line at x = 2
x = np.linspace(0, 4, 100)
y = f(x)
tangent = tangent_line(x)

# Calculate the next approximation using Newton-Raphson method
x_new = 2 - f(2) / f_prime(2)

# Plot the function and the tangent line
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.plot(x, y, label='$f(x) = x^3 - 2x - 5$')
plt.plot(x, tangent, label='Tangent line at $x = 2$')
plt.axvline(x=2, color='r', linestyle='--', label='$x_0 = 2$')
plt.axvline(x=x_new, color='g', linestyle='--', label='$x_1 = 2 - f(2)/f\'(2) = {:.1f}$'.format(x_new))

Implementation of Newton-Raphson Method#

Let’s implement the Newton-Raphson method in Python to find the root of a function \(f(x)\). We will define the function \(f(x)\) and its derivative \(f'(x)\), choose an initial guess \(x_0\), and iterate until the convergence criterion is met.

import numpy as np

def f(x):
    return x**3 - 2*x - 5

def f_prime(x):
    return 3*x**2 - 2

def newton_raphson(f, f_prime, x0, tol=1e-6, max_iter=100):
    x = x0
    for i in range(max_iter):
        x_new = x - f(x) / f_prime(x)
        if np.abs(x_new - x) < tol:
            return x_new
        x = x_new
    return None

# Initial guess
x0 = 2.0

# Find the root using Newton-Raphson method
root = newton_raphson(f, f_prime, x0)
print(f"Root of the function: {root}")
Root of the function: 2.0945514815423265

In this example, we define a function \(f(x) = x^3 - 2x - 5\) and its derivative \(f'(x) = 3x^2 - 2\). We choose an initial guess \(x_0 = 2.0\) and apply the Newton-Raphson method to find the root of the function. The result is printed as the output.

Multivariate Newton-Raphson Method#

The Newton-Raphson method can be extended to find the roots of a system of nonlinear equations. Given a system of equations \(f(x) = 0\), where \(f: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n\), the Newton-Raphson method iteratively refines the guess \(x_n\) using the formula:

\[ x_{n+1} = x_n - J^{-1}(x_n) f(x_n) \]

where \(J(x_n)\) is the Jacobian matrix of \(f(x)\) evaluated at \(x_n\). The process is repeated until the difference between successive approximations is less than a specified tolerance.

Implementation of Multivariate Newton-Raphson Method#

Let’s implement the multivariate Newton-Raphson method in Python to solve a chemical equilibrium problem. Consider a chemical system with two species, A and B, in equilibrium:

\[ \text{A} \rightleftharpoons 2\text{B} \]

with the equilibrium constant \(K = 100\).

We aim to find the equilibrium concentrations of A (\([\text{A}]\)) and B (\([\text{B}]\)) starting from initial concentrations:

\[ [\text{A}]_0 = 1.0 \, \text{M}, \quad [\text{B}]_0 = 0.5 \, \text{M} \]

Equations to Solve#

  1. The equilibrium constant relation:

\[ K = \frac{[\text{B}]^2}{[\text{A}]} \]

Rearrange to:

\[ f_1([\text{A}], [\text{B}]) = [\text{B}]^2 - K[\text{A}] = 0 \]
  1. Conservation of mass:

\[ [\text{A}] + [\text{B}] = \text{constant (initial total)} = 1.5 \]

Rearrange to:

\[ f_2([\text{A}], [\text{B}]) = [\text{A}] + [\text{B}] - 1.5 = 0 \]

These form a nonlinear system of equations:

\[\begin{split} \mathbf{F}([\text{A}], [\text{B}]) = \begin{bmatrix} f_1([\text{A}], [\text{B}]) \\ f_2([\text{A}], [\text{B}]) \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} [\text{B}]^2 - K[\text{A}] \\ [\text{A}] + [\text{B}] - 1.5 \end{bmatrix} = \mathbf{0} \end{split}\]

Newton-Raphson Algorithm#

  1. Start with an initial guess:

\[\begin{split} \mathbf{x}_0 = \begin{bmatrix} [\text{A}]_0 \\ [\text{B}]_0 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 1.0 \\ 0.5 \end{bmatrix} \end{split}\]
  1. At each iteration, compute:

\[ \mathbf{x}_{n+1} = \mathbf{x}_n - \mathbf{J}^{-1}(\mathbf{x}_n) \cdot \mathbf{F}(\mathbf{x}_n) \]

where \(\mathbf{J}\) is the Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives:

\[\begin{split} \mathbf{J} = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial [\text{A}]} & \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial [\text{B}]} \\ \frac{\partial f_2}{\partial [\text{A}]} & \frac{\partial f_2}{\partial [\text{B}]} \end{bmatrix} \end{split}\]
  1. Compute the partial derivatives:

\[ \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial [\text{A}]} = -100, \quad \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial [\text{B}]} = 2[\text{B}] \]
\[ \frac{\partial f_2}{\partial [\text{A}]} = 1, \quad \frac{\partial f_2}{\partial [\text{B}]} = 1 \]


\[\begin{split} \mathbf{J} = \begin{bmatrix} -100 & 2[\text{B}] \\ 1 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \end{split}\]
  1. Iterate until convergence (when \(\|\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{x}_n)\|\) is sufficiently small).

Python Implementation#

Here’s Python code to implement this:

import numpy as np

# Define the functions
def F(x):
    A, B = x
    return np.array([
        B**2 - 100 * A,  # f1
        A + B - 1.5      # f2

# Define the Jacobian
def J(x):
    A, B = x
    return np.array([
        [-100, 2 * B],  # Partial derivatives of f1
        [1, 1]          # Partial derivatives of f2

# Initial guess
x0 = np.array([1.0, 0.5])

# Newton-Raphson iteration
tolerance = 1e-6
max_iter = 100
for i in range(max_iter):
    Fx = F(x0)
    Jx = J(x0)
    dx = np.linalg.solve(Jx, -Fx)  # Solve J * dx = -F
    x0 = x0 + dx
    if np.linalg.norm(Fx, ord=2) < tolerance:
        print(f"Converged in {i+1} iterations.")
    print("Did not converge.")

# Results
print(f"Equilibrium concentrations: [A] = {x0[0]:.6f}, [B] = {x0[1]:.6f}")
Converged in 4 iterations.
Equilibrium concentrations: [A] = 0.021849, [B] = 1.478151

In this code, we define the functions \(f_1([\text{A}], [\text{B}])\) and \(f_2([\text{A}], [\text{B}])\) and their Jacobian matrix \(\mathbf{J}\). We choose an initial guess \(\mathbf{x}_0 = [1.0, 0.5]\) and apply the Newton-Raphson method to solve the system of equations. The equilibrium concentrations of A and B are printed as the output. The analytical solution is \([\text{A}] = 0.02\) M and \([\text{B}] = 1.48\) M.


In this lecture, we learned about the Newton-Raphson method for finding the roots of a function. We discussed the geometric interpretation of the method and implemented it in Python. We also extended the method to solve a system of nonlinear equations using the multivariate Newton-Raphson method.