Today, I was able to successfully compile LAMMPS on the DoD machine Koehr. First, I used mpicc as my C++ compiler. Then, I manually pointed the makefile to Intel’s MPI libraries using the following three lines of code:

MPI_INC =       -I/app/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2018_update1/impi/2018.1.163/intel64/include
MPI_PATH =      -L/app/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2018_update1/impi/2018.1.163/intel64/lib

Finally, I manually pointed the makefile to the FFTW3 library as follows :

FFT_INC =       -I/app/COST/fftw3/3.3.5/intel/include
FFT_PATH =      -L/app/COST/fftw3/3.3.5/intel/lib
FFT_LIB =       -lfftw3

That’s all she wrote! Of course, I executed make in parallel as make -j 48 <Makefile suffix>. Next, I’m going to test this recipe on other DoD computers.

P.S. It is necessary to load the modules costinit, fftw3/intel/3.3.5, and compiler/intelmpi/ prior to running LAMMPS. I added two lines in my .bashrc to take care of this. This can also be done in your PBS script.